Winifred Akoda is a Professor of History at the Department of History and International Studies at University of Calabar. Her indepth research has brought forth highly cited Journal Articles, Books Chapters, Books. Majority of those publications are open access below.
Journal Articles
Laughter as Good Medicine: A Balanced Overview of the Comedy Industry in Nigeria 1960-2020
Ubong James Essien and Winifred E. Akoda(2023)
FUWUKARI Journal of Politics and Development. Volume 7, Issue 1.
From Analogue to Digital: Using Digital Technology to Preserve and Promote Efik Language, Culture and History in the 21stCentury
Winifred E. Akoda(2023)
Volume 15.
Revolutionizing Historical Research: Exploring The Power Of Digital Tools
Winifred E. Akoda(2021)
The Calabar Historical Journal. Volume 10, No 1, June 2021.
The Contributions of Ali Mazrui to Historical Scholarship
Akoda, Winifred(2015).
International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and
Education (IJHSSE), Vol. 2, Issue 6, pp. 65 – 69.
Changing Funeral Practices in the Southern Nigerian Town of Calabar
Akoda, Winifred (2015).
Asian Academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary, Vol. 1,
Issue 31, March 2015, pp. 46 – 59
Nigerian Festivals: Their Significance and Role in Preserving the African Heritage
Akoda, Winifred(2015). Asian Academic Research Journal of
Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 1, Issue 35, May 2015,
pp. 370 – 391.
"May His Will be Done": A History of the Deeper Life Bible Church, 1973 – 2006
Akoda, Winifred(2012). International Journal of Asian Social Science: A Publication of the Asian Economic and Social Society (AESS), Vol. 2, No. 4. (2012). (online) pp. 402-410, Pakistan.
Historical Scholarship in Nigeria Since The 1950s: A Challenge to Historians
Akoda, Winifred(2011).
LWATI: A Journal of Contemporary Research, Vol. 8, Issue 3,
September, pp 61-69, Beijing, China.
Traditional African Medicine and the Benedictine Monks: A Discourse
Akoda, Winifred(2011).
American Journal of Social Issues & Humanities, Vol. 1, No
2, November, pp 137-157, Texas, USA.
Because we don’t learn from History: A Comparative Analysis between the Lapses of 1959 and 2011 Elections in Nigeria
Akoda, Winifred(2011)
Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy
Studies (JETERAPS) Vol. 2, No 6, pp 503-507. Scholar link
Research Institute, Manchester, United Kingdom.
Interpreting Women’s History with Museum Sources: An Experience in a Nigerian Museum
Akoda, Winifred(2011)
Canadian Social Science. Vol.7, No 6, December, pp 201-206,
Quebec, Canada.
Evolution of Medical Pluralism in Nigeria: The Case Study of Calabar, Southern Nigeria
Akoda, Winifred(2009.
Professor Bassey Andah Journal of Cultural Studies, University
of Calabar Vol. 2, pp 47-58.
Globalization and the Search for New Markets: Lessons from the Past
Imbua David & Winifred E. Akoda(2018)
Tropical Focus: The International Journal Series on Tropical
Issues, Vol. 9, No. 2, May, pp 140-151, Douala, Cameroon.
Trafficking in Women: The Nigeria- Ghana Experience, 1930-1955
Akoda, Winifred(2018)
Lapai Journal of Humanities: A Journal of the Department of
History/Archaeology, IBB University, Lapai, Niger State Vol. 2
No. 2, September, pp 65-74.
Using the Archives for Research: A Historian's Experience
Akoda, Winifred(2007/2008).
Journal of the Historical Society of Nigeria, (JHSN), Vol. 17,
No. 1, pp 75-84.
Strengthening Efik Unity in the 21st Century
Skoda, Winifred(2006)
Palace Journal, Vol. 2 No. 1, pp. 25-28.
Religion and Nation Building: The Nigerian Case
Imbua David & Akoda, Winifred(2016)
AFE: Journal of Minorities Studies, Ikot Ekpene, Vol. 8, No.
1, pp 132-144.
Waving Through History: Nigeria in the International Community and the Challenge of Development
Akoda, Winifred & David Imbua(2006)
Unizik Journal of Arts and Humanities, A Journal of the
Faculty of Arts, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Vol. VIII,
September, pp 21-40. Download
The Significance of Private Records in Historical Documentation
Akoda, Winifred (2005/2006)
Journal of the Historical Society of Nigeria (JHSN), Vol.
16, Pages 1-7
Service to God and Humanity, Revered Hope Masterton Waddell in Calabar (1846-1858); a Biological and Prosopographical Study
Akoda, Winifred & Imbua David(2005)
CAJOLIS: Calabar Journal of Liberal Studies, Vol. VIII, No.
2 September, pp 173-184.
Efik Traditional Institutions and Missionary Evangelism in Calabar, 1846–1854
Akoda, Winifred(2005)
NDUNODE: Calabar Journal of Humanities, Vol. 6, No. 2 July,
pp. 119-127.
Efik Literary Culture and its Historical Significance, 1900- 1970
Akoda, Winifred(2004)
CAJOLIS, Calabar Journal of Liberal Studies, Vol. VII, No. 2
December, pp 50-58.
The Jamaicans in Calabar, 1900- 1940. A Neglected Theme
Akoda, Winifred(2003)
Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 6, No. 1
September, pp 15-26.
Calabar and the Europeans: The Impact of Western Culture on a Pre-colonial Society
Akoda, Winifred(2003)
NDUNODE, Calabar Journal of the Humanities, Vol. 4, No. 1,
January, pp 109-116.
The Political and Religious Roles of Efik Women in Pre-colonial Calabar
Akoda, Winifred(1999)
Calabar Journal of Religious Studies, Vol. 1 No. 1 November,
pp 84-92.
Book Chapters
In the Lord's Vineyard: Okon Edet Uya and Christian Evangelism
Akoda, Winifred E. (2016)
Okon Uya at 70: Issues in Historiography, Nation-Building,
and the African Diaspora. Edited by David L. Imbua, Stella
A. Effah-Attoe, Christopher B. N. Ogbogbo, and Yakubu
Ochefu. Makurdi: Aboki Publishers, pp. 167 - 191.
Geography and Potentiates in West Africa: A Concise Study in History and International Relations
Akoda, Winifred & Nnayere Ogo (2013)
New Perspectives on West African History: Festschrift in
Honour of Prof. S. C. Ukpabi. Edited by P. U. Omeje and U.
Okonkwo (eds.). Enugu: Madonna University Press, pp. 32 –
Indigenous Technology and Palm Oil Processing in Southern Nigeria
Akoda, Winifred (2013)
An Introduction to African Culture and Technology
Development. Edited by Kingsley I. Owete (ed.). Port
Harcourt: University of Port Harcourt Press, pp. 181 – 191.
Youth and National Security in the Niger Delta Region since 1966
Akoda, Winifred (2010)
Challenges for Nigeria at 50: Essays in Honour of Professor
Abdullahi Mahadi. Edited by A. M. Ashafa (ed.). Kaduna:
Kaduna State University, pp. 425 – 438.
The Hausa Community in Calabar
Akoda, Winifred (2005)
The Efik and their Neighbours. Edited by Okon E. Uya et al
(eds.). Calabar: Cats Publishers & Clear lines
Publications Ltd. pp 191-212.
The Socio-Economic Impact of Stranger communities in Calabar: The Igbo and Hausa since 1900
Akoda, Winifred (2005)
History and Citizenship: Essays in Honour of Okon Edet Uya.
Edited by I. R. Amadi et al (Eds.). Calabar: University of
Calabar Press. pp 159-174.
From the Abyss of Memory: Efiong Ukpong Aye
Akoda, Winifred(2011).
Port Harcourt: Desertwater Communications
ABC of Project Writing for Researchers and Students of the Humanities
Akoda, Winifred(2017).
Makurdi: Aboki Publishers
Groundwork of Eniong Abatim History (Lower Cross River Region of Nigeria), 1670 – 2020
Akoda, Winifred & Akoda Philip(2021).
Ibadan: University Press Ltd.
Historical Research: Choosing a Research Topic and Conducting Fieldwork
Akoda, Winifred.
(In Press)
Department of History and International Studies,
University of Calabar (UNICAL),
Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria